From Health Care Assistant to Registered Nurse to Director of Nursing, i always found new opportunities to learn and growth in challenges over past 25 years of experience. My ability to create synergy about common goal, leading, training, motivating teams to take responsibilities and work efficiently
Change management and crisis management are no more for me than solutions in process. I give 100% to achieve goal using various strategies and methods, looking everyday to improve instead of prove and never at others' expenses.
i always consider that my strongest language is the language of team work , and that with such the unification of a team with individuals coming from various working culture and countries is always possible
Being on the floors and participating in daily rounds with staffs and managers all over the hospital, allows me to pay the utmost attention to details . In my previous employment my presence on the floor has a positive impact on the patients, visitors and on the morale of the employees. My affable nature and easily approachable helped me immensely.
My ability to communicate and interact with employees and external stakeholders (patients, families, suppliers, regulators) soon turned out to be an asset and brought about a very positive influence on the continuous service improvement.