Pack Development and Analysis: Development of Primary, Secondary and tertiary packaging material as per the Non regulated market and domestics market guidelines and requirement of packaging equipments and Analysis of innovator pack. Innovator sample analysis.
Artworks and Layouts: Designing and approval of artworks for printed primary packaging material and blister layout.
Blister change part development: Development of blister change part for the new products.Also, taken the change part confirmation from respective plant for New Products.
Direct co-ordination with Marketing Team & other Department for development of new packaging development.
Documentation: Preparation and approval of documents as per to the regulatory and plant requirements. E.g. Technical direction, Packaging Development report, packaging validation protocol and report.
Development of Packaging material Specifications and Generation of Bill of Material.
Preparation of STP and SOP & GTP for testing of packaging material.
Online Proofing / Print Proof checking as par legal requirement.
Vendor Development and Audit for Packaging Material & Procurement.
Analysis of Packaging Material Related Complaints.
Value Analysis and Improvements in Process.
Visiting factory & Warehouses for solving packging related issues.