Mr. PANKAJ KUMAR is a Civil Engineer having more than 19 years of experience in the field of Highway & Structural Engineering. He has worked as Bridge / Structural Engineer in various road construction, road maintenance & development projects in India. His spectrum of experience includes construction of HP culverts, Box culverts, Slab culverts, Major Bridge, Minor Bridge, Flyover, VUP, ROB etc. for construction of major highways in India .Evaluation of highway construction materials, field and laboratory test and procurement of materials. Having worked as Structure Engineer/Highway Engineer he is fully aware of the procedures of construction of R.C.C. culverts, H.P. culverts, Major Bridge and Minor Bridge and national/International practiced in road construction. He has in depth knowledge of IS /IRC code of testing of materials & well acquainted with latest construction techniques and equipments in Highway and structure construction.