Ganesh Kumar Subramanian

Technical Project Manager at Sify Technologies Ltd

Bangalore,Karnataka,India | IT - Software Services

 Over Seventeen years of extensive professional experience in Delivery Management, Program/Project management, Architecture design and system analysis.
 Having 5 years of onsite (NY, USA.) delivery management and consulting experience with major Wall Street Investment banks i.e., Bank of America, Bank of New York, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.
 Having insightful software development experience in eLearning (LMS), BFSI (Investment Banking/Finance), Telecom and Education domains.
 Expertise in executing projects using Waterfall and Agile/Scrum methodologies with 10 to 75 member’s team size distributed across different geographical locations USA, Switzerland and India.
 Proficient in managing fixed price and T&M type projects with budget range up to $10 million.

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