15 years of IT experience. Core experience is in the area of application development and PL-SQL.
Possess experience in independently handling design, development, documentation and testing phases in a project environment and Effective verbal and written communication skills with attentive listening and strong experience interacting with customer.
Proficient in developing applications using PL/SQL Programming and Forms and Reports 10g.
Extensive experience in installing Oracle 10g/11g (database) installation , configuring and setup in windows, Linux & Solaris platform.
Effective verbal and written communication skills with attentive listening and strong experience interacting with customer.
Experienced in developing stored packages, procedures, functions, Partitions, triggers, and views.
Excellent functional knowledge in ERP (Manufacturing Domain).
Experience in advanced PL/SQL concepts like Bulk collect, PL/SQL tables and Dynamic SQL for DML operations for better performance.
Sound knowledge of DBA