Vallalavinod Kumar


Hyderabad,India | Power / Energy / Electricity

** Preparation of GRN, MRN (Issue), RGP & NRGP on system on daily basis.

** Handling all the incoming materials as per norms & providing it’s report to all the related departments on daily basis.

** Handling all the outgoing materials as per the norms & providing it’s report to all the related dept. as & when they require.

** Materials are issue is made on the basis of FIFO method: While strong the material, keep the fresh material behind the old stock to facilitate “FIFO; while issuing the material.

** Reconciling returnable materials against party account.

** Keeping records of all contractors & reconcile their individual account accordingly.

** Physically verifying at regular intervals. & reconciles the same with system on daily basis.

** Handling all project related materials & providing better service to the user depts./contractors in time.

** Checking all records like Inward, Outward, and RGP & NRGP on daily basis.

** Monitoring Safely loading & Unloading of all heavy materials like Steel, Cement, and Equipment’s ,Oil & Lubricants etc.

** Maintain day to day stock position report of some fast moving items & convey for effective Management.

** Initiate indents to purchase department as the guidelines of minimum & maximum level.

** Providing ageing analysis report to the management for taking necessary action accordingly.

** Maintain register for shelf life items with details.Keep records.

** Providing better service to the user depts. in time as & when they require. The service may be in terms of material, any report or any other quires.

** Providing inventory report to the management & dept. HOD as & when they require, mandatory once in a month.

** Material follows up, prepare monthly consumption Statement, Local purchase, and all reports sent to Head Office through Site Vice President /General Manager/Unit Head.

**Overall Entire Store Responsibility.

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