Vadivel Babu

Senior Software Engineer Data Base Administrator at Mindtree

Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India | IT - Software Services

Having 3.5 years of Progressive and Dynamic experience in software analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of full life cycle web based software applications.
Identified each object and its relationship to other objects using Data Dictionary
Used Data Control Language (Grant, Revoke, Save point) to control access to data stored in Database.
Created Stored Procedures, Packages, Functions, Triggers, Views, Tables, Constraints, sequences and Indexes (BTree, Bitmap, Composite and Function Based).
Experience in writing Test Plans, Defining Test Cases, Developing and Maintaining Test scripts.
Experience in advanced PL/SQL concepts like Bulk collect and FORALL.
Experience in retrieving data from external data Files and loaded into oracle tables using tools like UTL_FILE, SQL*Loader and External Tables,
Tuned SQL queries using Explain Plan, Hints and SQL*Plus Auto trace report for query optimization

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