Vadher Keran

Quality Analyst at Denave India (P) Ltd.

Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India | ITES / BPO / KPO / Outsourcing

I'm a fast learner, hardworking, and also flexible in all fields of job. My objectives is to find ways to be more effective employee.
Currently working for Foreign Language Translation part for -Malaysian and Indonesian Language.
I’m truly passionate about my work and always eager to connect with other peoples. While I enjoy all aspects of my job, I think my favorite stage of a project is working with the client or business unit leader to understand his or her business objectives. As we go through that collaborative process, the ideas start to flow and that’s always the fun part.
I’m always interested in hearing from former colleagues, managers, or just interesting creative folk, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to connect.

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