Tajinder Singh

Head- PPC & Materials at XYZ Co.

Indore,Madhya Pradesh,India | Automobile / Auto-ancillary / Tyre

Truly Versatile, Highly Adaptive, Result-oriented Professional, Mechanical Engineer with 21 years of proven success delivering significant business results. Multi-dimensional experience with successful track record of streamlining operations and maximizing productivity of MNCs mainly in automobile sector.

The Individual principles centered on leadership, rational decision-making, willingness to embrace productive change and development of employees. An effective business partner for the CEO and senior management and a creative problem solver with a track record of building high performance teams. Combined with excellent analytical, project management, communication and strategic skills. Energetic and resourceful leader with team-based management style focused on developing resources, fostering positive teamwork and delivering results to the bottom-line. Fluent in English and Hindi.

• Sound knowledge & in-depth understanding of organizational Business Processes in the areas of – Purchasing, Supply Chain Management, Materials Management, Costing, Production Planning & Control (PPC), Warehousing, Inventory Management, Business Plan Preparation, Budget Planning & Control, ERP system (PP & MM modules), New System Development, Quality Management System (QMS)
• Exposure to latest techniques- Sales Operations Planning, J.I.T., T.Q.M., Six-Sigma, Continuous Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Mistake-Proofing, ABC analysis, KANBAN, 5W1H, 5-S, KAIZEN, V.M.I., Milk Run, etc.

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