Age:- 58ys sex:- male
DOB 08.06.1959
Nationality :-INDIAN.
School:- 9 to 11 standard at Caldwell century memorial Highschool,Idayangudi,Tamilnadu.INDIA
Under as indian Government National Scholarship student.
Medicine Qualifications
1.MBBS-Govt Thanjavur Medical College, Madras University,Tamilnadu, INDIA--1976 to 1983.
2. MD –General Medicine, GOVT Stanley Medical College, Chennai,
Govt TN Dr MGR medical university, INDIA ------------------------------------------1989-1991.
3.Diploma Health science In Diabetology,Annamalai University,Tamilnadu----------2005
4. DM –nephrology-Govt Kilpauk Medical college,Chennai,India.-----------------------2007 to 2010
Experience:- Private medical practice 1983Feb to !989 feb-Mayo clinic Chennai.
experience enclosed following
.Total experience in medicine -------------------------------35 years.
2.Total experience after MD General medicine------------27years
3.Total experience in Nephrology—---------------------------16 years.
4.Total no of years of experience after DM nephrology—8yrs