Gaurav Srivastava

Senior Graphics and Fashion Accessory Designer at Gutgutia Design

Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India | Any

I would like to introduce myself ; Gaurav Srivastav, Senior Graphic & Fashion Accessory Designer, working in Gutgutia Designs, chennai, with total 5 year 5 months experience together in overseas Grand step HK & A.V.Thomas Leather & Allied Product Pvt. Ltd, Chennai as a Designer/ Merchandiser, internships in various prestigious organizations , I have a strong academic background in Leather Goods & Accessory Design with a Degree from FDDI, Noida.
With a handful of experience with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Rhino , MS Office ; I believe that I could make a significant & valuable contribution to your prestigious organization. I would like to have an opportunity to discuss how my education & work experience will be helpful to your organization.

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