Gaurav Raj

Merchandising Manager at Splash , Landmarkgroup, Kuwait

Salmiya | Retailing / Malls / Supermarts / Stores

 14 years of qualitative experience across wide gamut of retail functions including, business planning, merchandising, buying, & budgeting vendor management, product development, range planning inventory management, trend analysis & operations,
 Currently working with Splash-Kuwait, Division of Landmark Group UAE, Middle East’s biggest retailing conglomerate.
 Detailed knowledge of fabrics, styles and trends, costing/Pricing and apparel productions
 Handled range development and large scale production for the business. Interacted and managed large scale productions.
 Effectively performed Leadership roles and managed large scale business for Reliance Retail, Mumbai India
 Member of the core team of the Future group, value retail division, Mumbai, India starting from the formative years.

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