Gaurav Goyal

Engineer at Bechtel India

Gurgaon,Haryana,India | Any

 B. Tech with 4+ years’ experience in NLD, FTTH Project Planning & Operation & Maintenance, NLD & Planning &Projects Project Management, Network Management, Maintenance Management, Team Management with leading organizations.
 Currently associated with BECHTEL INDIA as Planning & Design Engineer, of the FTTH.
 Enterprising leader with excellent analytical, organisational and interpersonal skills.
 Experienced professional in fibre Planning & Design and deploying work, OTDR testing, splicing & fibre operations.
 Quality monitoring certifications of open trenching, Duct laying, HDD,MH &HH Installation, DIT,OFC blowing, Splicing, Termination of fiber, ABD Preparation
 Work on 3-GIS and complete knowledge of Access, distribution fiber, OLT, SC, TB and ONT IN FTTH.
 A Smart working person with the ability to work in a team and contribute towards the achievement of team goals.

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