Ganesh Nunna

7 years experience in Hr and administration

India | Engineering / Infrastructure / Construction / EPC

Over 6.10 years of rich experience in Human Resource Management & Administration including Recruitment & Compensation benefits, Grievance Management, New Employee Orientation, Background Verification, Audit & Compliance, Counseling & Guidance, Strategic Planning, MIS, salary management, Performance Management system, IR and, Statutory compliance, Activities and General Administration. Currently associated with LANCO INFRATECH LTD, as Sr. Executive HR & Administration. Deft at formulating and implementing companys service rules & policies in all branches. Skilled in handling large workforces, maintaining peaceful & amicable work environment in the organization, and in initiating measures for the benefit of people in the organization. Adroit at implementing service rules of the company. An effective communicator with exceptional interpersonal skills and hands on experience in training and development of subordinates.

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