Ganapathy Shankar

results-driven business leader with over 21 years of IT experience and a proven ability to Design, Build & Deliver Enterprise, Web and Mobile applications with high level of customer satisfaction using Agile/Scrum, waterfall and SDLC methodology.

Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India | IT - Software Services

I’m results-driven business leader with over 21 years of IT experience and a proven ability to Design, Build & Deliver Enterprise, Web and Mobile applications with high level of customer satisfaction using Agile/Scrum, waterfall and SDLC methodology. Have extensive experience in technical and functional aspects in solution, design and implementing applications for large multinational organisations. Managed 300+ team members handling multiple high profile projects and overall in charge of Program with P&L responsibilities. I have right blend of people and client handling experience with excellent communication and analytical skills.

Key Strengths
ϖ Extensive experience in Delivering Enterprise and Web applications

ϖ Well versed with waterfall, SDLC, Agile / Scrum methodology for faster deployment of enterprise and web applications

ϖ Excellent Program Management, Solution Architecting and Service Delivery expertise

ϖ Experience in writing architectural design documents, review software design and code, define testing strategy etc

ϖ Excellent project management and scheduling skill to deliver high quality deliverables

ϖ Ability to effectively manage teams, allocate task, monitor the progress and ensure high quality deliverable on time and budget
ϖ Ability to effectively communicate new idea to the team and transform to a successful implementation
ϖ Always in lookout for understanding the industry trends and new technologies that can deployed in building software products

ϖ Experience across industries including Banking, Engineering, Shipyards, Public Sector Enterprise, Semi Government etc
ϖ Experience in building COE and Innovation Lab

ϖ Hands on experience in building software using Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Java, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL

ϖ Experience in delivering projects to customers across NA, Europe, APAC and ANZ

ϖ Self-Motivated person ability to manage large teams with minimal management oversight
ϖ Strong multi-disciplinary and multi skilled experience with strong communication skills
ϖ Extensively involved in client interactions at business and CXO levels

Involved in senior level movements, employee retention, team building, HR issues, performance management and customer satisfaction reviews

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