Faculty Positions - A Promising Opportunity to Learn, Develop and Create knowledge
Teach Theory & Lab courses as assigned by the Dean / Director of the College
Evaluate student performance through quizzes, class tests, examinations, supplementary examinations etc.
Prepare question papers, grade answer scripts and invigilate during examination time.
Conduct directed
course for selected students
Design and set up labs, and add new experiments to existing labs
Guide student projects at UG and PG levels, help them with reports, review articles, research papers etc.
Coordinate and participate in Industrial /field Visit for the students
Supervise summer internship and visit the companies/students during the internship, if required
Perform Academic Administration Jobs such as Program Director/Coordinator, Course Coordinator, etc as and when assigned
Organize and supervise seminars for students
Organize conferences, workshops, short courses in areas of own expertise
Assist Continuing education program by offering special lectures or designing and conducting short courses etc
Help as when required in :
Coaching students in developing special skills, preparing them for job interviews
Help students placements
Counsel students on their academic as well as non ac
ademic problems.