West Bengal Require Professional School Principal M/F With IT Skill
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Job Profile :- School Principal M/F With IT Skill ( Fluency in English with computer literacy essential for all the positions.)
Skill require :-
1. Role as a School Leader:- Good leaders stay calm in difficult situations, thinks before they act, and puts the needs of the school before themselves. An effective leader steps up to fill in holes as needed, even if it isn’t a part of their daily routine.
2. Role in Student Discipline:- The discipline issues you deal will mostly come from teacher referrals. There are times that this can take a large part of the day.A good principal will listen to all sides of an issue without jumping to conclusions collecting as much evidence as you can. A principal role in student discipline is much like that of a judge and a jury.
3. Role as a Teacher Evaluator:- Doing this allows the evaluator to have a larger collection of evidence of what actually goes on in a classroom, than a principal who has had minimal visits to a classroom. A good evaluator always lets their teachers know what their expectations are and then offers suggestions for improvement if those expectations are not being met.
Education :- Doctorate or M.Phill , Ph.d with 60% marks .
Job location :- West Bengal (Accommodation will be provided to the selected outstation candidates.)
Emmanuel Jobs & Placements Group ( PAN ),Jalandhar, Ludhiana.
But we do not get any half or full salary from Candidate’s.
Specialist In Education + IT + Medical + Educational Immigration. ( Teacher/Principal/Vice-Principal) etc.Mostly Education only.
We deals in verified professional jobs .