Candidate should put all their technical talents and creativity to the technovation as they develop next generation applications, systems and tools, using C#/SQL/ASP.NET MVC/DAPPER/EF/UNITY/JAVA SCRIPT/HTML/CSS etc. You will be building products from the ground up/maintain existing products, writing code that turns concepts into new technologies and next-generation services. Your code is secure, robust, scalable, and efficient. It's an opportunity to explore new technical realms and leave a lasting technical legacy. *Responsibilities: Construct systems/front end sites/reporting software/SQL/NoSQL/queries, write quality code; explore innovative technical solutions; test and debug code; contribute to feature definition and design; examine feature feasibility and estimate development time; work with team to meet deadlines *Skill set: .NET/C#/ASP.NET/SQL/MVC; problem solving; debugging and troubleshooting; creativity and innovation; passion for writing code; drive for results.