E-commerce Website And Mobile Application Testing.

Category: User Testing

About This Service

I have 4.1 years of experience spanning from Maintenance Project, Manual Testing of Applications under development, good knowledge of process and working as responsible tester for whole module from requirement analysis till delivery of projects.

I am involved in Preparing and Executing Test Cases, Functional, System, Regression, Sanity Ad-hoc & Exploratory Testing.
Working knowledge of Testing tools JIRA, Postman (For API). Multitasking credentials with excellent planning and execution of critical tasks related to issues reported by clients. In addition, ability to handle multiple tasks in high-pressure environments and under tight deadlines.
Able to handle Manual Mobile Testing with various devices. Understanding of Priority and Severity of a Defect.


quick testing

Full manual testing with api testing of any mobile devices and e-commerce websites.


7 days delivery

moderate testing

Full manual testing with api testing of any mobile devices and e-commerce websites.


15 days delivery

standard testing

Full manual testing with api testing of any mobile devices and e-commerce websites.


24 days delivery

$200 Standard

7 days delivery

quick testing

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$250 Premium

15 days delivery

moderate testing

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$300 Pro

24 days delivery

standard testing

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Freelancer's Profile

Richev Singh

Software Test Engineer

RnF Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Noida,Uttar Pradesh,India
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