Engineering / Infrastructure / Construction / EPC
Salient Features : A 33KV O/D & I/D switchboard, 33KV/6.6KV power transformers,distribution transformers, 6.6KV softstarters, automation package, instrumentation package, field cabling, testing, and commissioning
Products Supplied :
Redundant PLC/SCADA Systems for complete plant operation
More than 5000 Input / Outputs
More than 100 VFD’s / Soft starters supplied
MCC / PCC panels, Instrument Control Panels
Water tankering can be a rapid means of transporting water to areas in need during the initial phase of an emergency.
The Delhi Jal Board (DJB) supplies potable water in water deficit areas through around 1000 departmental and hired water tankers in different zones in Delhi. Wintech has been a key partner in helping DJB through DIMTS with meeting his goal. A total of 42 stations consisting of 135 filling points are under Wintech for installation of hydrants and pumps as well as the complete development, installation, and management of the software/SCADA to operate these filling points. The goal is to prevent any kind of pilferage of water, so that it reaches the common man more efficiently.
100 Nos. tubewells with S7 200 PLC System Communicating on GSM Network.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia