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Mr. Vinayak Sawant CEO After the successfully obtaining A Masters degree in Management (M.B.A. Finance). I engage with Social Educational Activity to Backward / Slums areas. As well as launch Smart Techniques in Indian Education system. We Develops lots of Teaching Methods For the School And Collages / Institutions. Currently applied For Doctored Degree in Finance from Pune University. After 2009 I was Established Studytrick .This Institute is working to develop and progress mathematical skills for the student and members. And We also Focusing on Corporate Training / Motivational Program for there start-up. This site is only for Maths tricks and study solution. Today a study trick is one of the best methods to crack the competitive examination and we are the first sites that provide our best by online through internet. Study tricks is the first site where you can simply type in an expression in a fairly intuitive way, hit a button and get the answer right there on your screen in a few seconds.
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