Engineering / Infrastructure / Construction / EPC
United Arab Emirates
♦ Offshore Construction Support. ♦ Submarine Fiber Optic Cable Laying & Shore End Landing.
♦ Subsea pipeline Support Work.
♦ SBM and SPM Maintenance work. ♦ Underwater NDT Work of Jack up Rigs & Offshore Installations.
♦ Diving Equipment Rentals.
♦ Civil Construction Support Works. ♦ Observation Class & Work Class ROV Support Works.
♦ Air Diving.
♦ Surface Supply Mix Gas Diving. ♦ Highly Trained Work Force of IMCA approved Divers & Technicians.
♦ Saturation Diving.
♦ ROV Operations. ♦ Onshore Underwater Vessel Inspection & Engineering work.
♦ Survey & Positioning.
United Arab Emirates