Ideally located on the beach of the Arabian Gulf and just 12 kms from Dubai and Sharjah International Airports, the highly acclaimed Sharjah Grand Hotel with its 220 beautifully furnished rooms is the convenient spot for tourists and business explorers. This four star fine beach resort is reputed for its friendly atmosphere and excellent service.
Thanks to our experienced and friendly staff your stay will be a wonderful holiday experience. Around 260 staff enjoy making every day of your holiday a memorable one. In a pleasant way and with natural personality. Each member of our staff enriches our hotel with their valuable knowledge and genuine enthusiasm. Respect and mutual appreciation form the basis of contact between us, our staff and you, our guests. A philosphy which characterizes a special feel-good atmosphere at the Sharjah Grand Hotel
We find it important that our staff feel good about working in our hotel. A mutual give and take. So work is easier and more enjoyable. Our experienced team consists partly of long-serving staff and is on hand to fulfill all your wishes to your utmost satisfaction.