Quantsapp is a platform focused on options analytics.,
The world is mobile & so are we. With the intense computing power on the cloud a mobile is good enough to take up the highly compute intense task & delegate it above. It’s a world of Technology & Financial markets are nothing different. Technology is disrupting & making it difficult for individual traders to trade in a traditional way. A person trying to trade manually is just like trying to play chess with a computer. Technology has evolved lot & it’s not only about objective calculations but also about intelligent inferences that algorithms can compute & obviously SPEED is what matters. It includes various tools namely - • Option Strategy Optimizer • Option Strategy Manager • Open Interest • FII & Participant Data • Option Chain • Option Pain • Volatility Skew • PCR • Span Calculator • Greeks Calculator • Tutorials • Position Greeks • Leg-wise Greeks • Strategies Mark to Market/PnL alerts We also conduct workshops to enable learning of the Practical Side of Options Trading from the Industry Stalwarts. There are two levels of workshops conducted : 1)Beginner to Intermediate & 2)Intermediate to Advanced. Apart from these we even have elite advisory by our research analysts which helps one learn while they earn. It is focused on option advisory, and directional & non directional trades. It provides rational behind trades and strategy repair techniques. In order to encourage on going learning, webinar is conducted every fortnight.
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia