Quantsapp is a platform focused on options analytics.,
The world is mobile & so are we. With the intense computing power on the cloud a mobile is good enough to take up the highly compute intense task & delegate it above. It’s a world of Technology & Financial markets are nothing different. Technology is disrupting & making it difficult for individual traders to trade in a traditional way. A person trying to trade manually is just like trying to play chess with a computer. Technology has evolved lot & it’s not only about objective calculations but also about intelligent inferences that algorithms can compute & obviously SPEED is what matters. It includes various tools namely - • Option Strategy Optimizer • Option Strategy Manager • Open Interest • FII & Participant Data • Option Chain • Option Pain • Volatility Skew • PCR • Span Calculator • Greeks Calculator • Tutorials • Position Greeks • Leg-wise Greeks • Strategies Mark to Market/PnL alerts We also conduct workshops to enable learning of the Practical Side of Options Trading from the Industry Stalwarts. There are two levels of workshops conducted : 1)Beginner to Intermediate & 2)Intermediate to Advanced. Apart from these we even have elite advisory by our research analysts which helps one learn while they earn. It is focused on option advisory, and directional & non directional trades. It provides rational behind trades and strategy repair techniques. In order to encourage on going learning, webinar is conducted every fortnight.
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates