Real Estate
In a booming mergers and acquisitions market, any deal can look attractive, but relatively few will deliver value. To identify the best opportunities and achieve a good deal requires having better industry insight than the competition, and stronger execution skills. Whether you are looking to sell your business or invest in another, BCT will provide a full range of services to support you in completing the transaction and record an accurate transfer of legal ownership. Naturally, when you sell, you want the highest price, and vice versa, however, arriving at that right price is a challenge and requires good business intuition, positive collaboration and, finally, a high degree economic and accounting acumen: is their asking price appropriate, is the price you are offering really what it is worth? During any transaction, knowledgeable, unbiased and well-supported opinions can provide the strong foundation you will need for negotiations. BCT professionals know what to look for and what your investor/seller will see. Our experts equip our clients with the qualitative and quantitative assessments necessary to address potential challenges and make informed decisions on the front-end, prior to entering into a binding agreement. Once a transaction is underway, our team helps finalize negotiations to close the deal and supports clients to ensure an efficient and successful integration after the acquisition. We offer seller/buyer representation services for public/private corporations, partnerships and small entrepreneurial businesses. The BCT team of associates and partners with highly skilled and differentiated core competencies will screen for and source good buying/selling alternatives and help you look at a target business model, arm you with objective knowledge and supply recommendations based on acccurate valuations of the business being considered, and conduct all negotiations to close the deal. In short, our team can cover all that is required for a successful acquisition.
Feasibility studies aim to objectively and rationally reveal the strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture; the opportunities and threats present in the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success. In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained. BCT prepares comprehensive well-designed feasibility studies that provide a historical background of the business or project, a description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the operations and management, market research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax obligations. The feasibility study evaluates the project's potential for success; therefore, perceived objectivity is an important factor in the credibility of the study for potential investors and lending institutions. At BCT we take pride in our research methodologies, constantly vigilant for data and interpretive biases which might skew investment decisions. We are able therefore to deliver reliable results to our customers. Our feasibility studies cover the following topics: Operational, Economic, Technical, Schedule, Locations, Resources, Cultural, Financial,Technology and System Feasibility studies, Market Studies and Analysis and Business Plans.
Today's businesses face an increasing array of challenges, from rapid technological change to heightened competition and global economic uncertainty. This fundamental struggle with change, particularly in over-leveraged situations, has the potential to create a crisis environment rife with operational and financial problems. BCT Turnaround and Restructuring practice offers critical assistance to three types of companies: companies that are healthy overall but which have underperforming divisions, companies that are generally under performing, and companies that are in an overall crisis. Working directly with company management, BCT will help stabilize financial and operational performance by developing and implementing comprehensive profitability and working capital plans. Our involvement reassures creditors and investors that the company is taking steps to remedy its problems and maximize its value. Our firm delivers performance improvement, we help companies tackle complex performance improvement challenges, grow and realize value creation opportunities. Because each circumstance is unique, solutions are always tailored to the specific business context and the needs of the particular business, with recommendations on action that are realistic, achievable, and most importantly, sustainable. Our approaches to analysis and implementation are equally applicable to businesses at any stage in their development, from companies rapidly outgrowing their current operating model to those struggling to reignite profitable growth. Our restructuring services entail assisting owners and management to identify opportunities so they can streamline businesses and stabilize cash flows. Activities include preparation and review of cash flow projections following market and operational reviews, support for restructuring, and assistance with divestment activities. Success demands a clear path to results, and company restructuring- consultation & implementation- is our business. You can trust BCT to find the right path for your valuable firm.
BCT advisors enjoy extensive experience in: - Securing finance; - Debt Restructuring & negotiations; and - Due Diligence for lenders.