Over the last five decades, Anchor has managed to capture the attention of every citizen in this country. It started with a humble vision of manufacturing electrical products of outstanding quality at a time when the market involving electrical switches or wiring devices was handled by the unorganized sector. The advent of Anchor not only organized the sector, but also brought electrical accessories into mainstream commerce. As a brand, Anchor signifies Trust, Safety and Reliability. These qualities have helped Anchor carve a niche for itself in the electrical accessories market.
Anchor is solely responsible for the manufacturing and marketing of world-class eco-friendly products that have added value to the lives of people. The ideology of Panasonic's founder, ‘Konosuke Matsushita' drives the everyday business at Anchor. It states that "the company must contribute to society through its business as a public entity."
Anchor is a part of the second largest conglomerate in the electronics industry. As a proud part of the Panasonic Corporation that is located in Japan, Anchor has taken it upon itself to conserve the environment, thus paving a path to a safe, healthy and environment friendly lifestyle.