"The kingdom of heaven is in you," declared Jesus our Lord. Jesus has paid the price to purchase for us the kingdom of God. The work of Jesus to bless the people on this earth with every spiritual blessing has already been accomplished by His death on the cross. Every need of man has been met by the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
The wealth of the earth belongs to every child of God today. On the cross, Jesus our Messiah became poor for us, so that we through His poverty might become rich. The wealth of the world has been given by our Father in heaven to all His children. "It is the Father's pleasure to give you His kingdom," our Lord encouraged His disciples.
However, many followers of Jesus are living in great need and want today. This is not because of the stinginess of God or the desire of our Heavenly Father to see His children suffer. No earthly father would treat his children that way; neither would our good Father in heaven. Instead, God's word declares that our Father in heaven delights in the prosperity of His servants.
Many of God's children live in poverty today because of a lack of knowledge of God's word. Our Father laments in the book of Hosea that "My people perish from lack of knowledge." To come into financial breakthrough, a child of God must learn to walk in faith in God's promises. He must also learn to sow a seed to reap the harvest of blessings he desires from God.
The first step out of poverty is to believe the promise of Jesus in Mark 11:24 where it says, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Jesus here promised that we can ask our Father in heaven for whatever we need, and it will be ours. This is an awesome promise, and all of heaven is the limit!
Nevertheless, God wants us to ask according to our faith level, and according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. And after we have asked God for something, we must
a course in miracles that we have received it. We must believe that the answer has been released into our lives in the realm of the spirit. We must believe that the miracle has arrived the moment we ask the Father. This is the key that most believers have missed, with the result that no miracles manifest in their lives after they have prayed and asked God for something.
And if we believe that we have received our miracle, we must begin to thank God for the answer. For example, begin to say as follows: "Thank You Abba Father for your gift of a Datsun pickup to me within this month." And continue to thank God until you see the miracle manifest. Do not be moved by the words of man or the circumstances around you. Stand fast on your confession of faith in God's promise and never waver.
The second step is to sow a seed to reap the harvest you need. In the story of the feeding of the 5000, Jesus offered up 5 loaves of bread to the Father so that the seed could be multiplied to feed about 15000 men, women and children. Sow a seed into God's kingdom and ask God to multiply it back into your life in the form of the miracle you have asked God for. For example, pray as follows: "Abba Father, I sow this financial seed into Your kingdom right now for the harvest of a Datsun pickup for my business. Thank You Lord."
Be led by the Spirit as to how much you are to sow and the people or ministry you are to sow the seed to.
God will answer your prayer by His own means, within the time that you have specified in your prayer. He can cause unexpected funds to be released into your life. He can move upon someone to give you the pickup itself. Creative business ideas and opportunities and special favor from men can also come your way. God can also send to you new clients and customers. Be open to God's ways. He wants to surprise us whenever we walk in faith in His word.
After you have done the above, continue to give thanks to God for the miracle, and it will surely manifest, as surely as God is true. You will see the glory of God in your life as you walk in faith in His word. Your life will never be the same again as you come into a living encounter with a God who is willing and able to keep His word and demonstrate His love for you through a financial miracle.