Tips for a Killing Job Advert


Putting down an effective recruitment advertising always seems easy enough, until you actually sit to write down and you suddenly realize it is not that easy. Sadly, knowing what to and what not to include in a job advert is not a child’s play. But, when you adopt the right organized process you can better ensure consistently good quality job postings.

Here are a few tips for a killing job advert:

1) Introduce Your Company

When we say “introduce,” we mean “introduce.” Never make your job advert all about you. Instead, try aiming to give your prospective candidate a sense of what is in it for them such as company’s philosophy, values, culture, achievements, etc that would actually make them want to work for your company.

You can sum it up in the first paragraph and then you get on with explaining the actual job role or position.

2) The role and why it exists

Here we are not just talking about a list of bullet-pointed job responsibilities since that alone won’t make your prospective candidate feel connected to or excited about the role.

That is why you should go beyond such basics by including a brief narrative that will allow your candidate to clearly picture the exciting things about the role and what it is like on a day-to-day basis and the influence that they can have on your business as a result.

3) Nice-to-haves and Must-haves

Make clear what the exact must-have requirements are such as a certain degree, a certain level of expertise, or certain soft or technical skills. Also, make sure that you have set out the difference between these must-haves and any extra skills will be useful if the desired candidate has.

4) Condense and simplify the list of duties

As discussed above, at times bullet points can be boring or overwhelming, especially when the recruiter lists on so many responsibilities that divert the reader from the job’s main duties.

Carefully consider the most essential, day-to-day duties and expectations that are involved in the job role, and try to reduce any bullet points that you do use to 5-10 items. Put your idea ‘to the point’, so that your prospective candidates can quickly understand exactly what you require.

5) Include a ‘call to action’

Insert some urgency in the reader with a quick, concluding call to action such as ‘Does this look like your dream role? Apply now!’ or ‘Get in touch with us now about this excellent opportunity’.

Ready to post your exciting job posts? Great! Now post your killing requirements on a networking platform where it reaches a global audience like A global professional networking and career platform has over a million members from all over the world. Post now and start getting applications from the millions of profiles.


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